•“No” campaign is back in lead
latest YouGov
survey showed
the pro-unionists campaign moved back
into a narrow lead before the Sep. 18
Scottish independence referendum
rallied following the survey but
failed to fill the Monday’s gap
week a number of surveys are expected to be released (most of them on 17th)
any of the polls coming out show signs that “Yes” votes gain this could push
Cable further down, while “No”
vote is likely to see much of the GBP losses recovered
•Less momentous than Scotland’s referendum
but equally important
elections this Sunday: the
recent poor data add to
the growing body of evidence that Sweden’s economy is worsening
the present government’s administration and questions whether Riksbank’s
at their June meeting had any positive impact on the country’s economy
polls show
neither of the two major blocs will win a majority. Will they have a rise in
fringe parties? A weak minority-government could weaken the
Nordic currency for a long time
•From New Zealand: BusinessNZ
PMI increased and REINZ house sales dropped,
both for August. No major reaction from Kiwi yet commodity currencies (CAD,
AUD, NZD) cautiously on a downtrend amid declining commodity prices
•Eurozone: Eurozone’s
industrial production for July
•UK: construction
output for July
•US: retail
sales for August, U of M consumer confidence for September
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